About Us

Photo by Kerri Zheng
We met for the first time when we went to college together at Cornell as freshmen. We knew of each other, and ate dinner together with friends once in a while, but didn't hang out very much. Paul took a year off when Jenn was a sophomore, Paul returned in Jenn's junior year, we started dating. Jenn graduated in 2005 and started working and moved to upstate NY, then Paul joined her in 2007. We were married on June 6th, 2009 and bought a house November of that year. In March 2011, they baby boy Micah was born.

Paul is originally from Taiwan and grew up in Hawaii. Jenn is from China, and grew up in Arizona and Ohio. We feel blessed by God everyday and hope to spread the joy through our work, friends, family, and blogging. We are both engineers by training and love to learn and research all things natural, organic, and living a low carbon, green lifestyle.

This blog will contain our musings on home improvement, green living, parenting. We also share with you products that we love and earn a small commission for your clicks and purchases through our site. If we receive any freebies to review, we would definitely let you know that we did. Don't worry, we will not recommend any products that we don't absolutely love ourselves.

We hope you will be back often to see what we are up to, and we welcome your comments and questions. Have an adventurous day!

To contact us, just send us email.

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