Saving money with cloth diapers
When I was a baby, my parents used cloth diapers for me because that was all we had at the time in China. It was laborious to hand wash, hang dry, and fold. Nowadays, it's the norm to use disposables here in the US as well as cities in China. With the convenience, also comes a significant strain on the environment. We throw away about 18 billion diapers per year, and it's the single most common consumer item found in landfills. The environmental proposition for cloth diapering is a strong one, but I will save that topic for a future post. Today I will compare for you cloth diapering to disposable diapers from a purely economic perspective for the average family. Does it really save money to use cloth? Let's look at a few case studies. Disposables diapers: Cost $1387.00 for 2 years Newborn Pampers 30% off from Amazon Mom + Subscribe and Save: $0.19 per diaper Assume 10 diapers per day $0.19 per diaper X 10 diapers per day = $1.90 per day $1.90 per day X 365 per year =...
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