Our Favorite Disposable Diaper
Now we've tried lots of brands of disposable diapers including Pampers, Huggies, Seventh Generation, the best one we found and settled on is Nature Babycare by Naty. Micah has never had diaper rash in these diapers and rarely has blow-outs. Since Micah reached 4 months old, we started not changing him in the middle of the night. He now lasts from 11pm to 7am in one diaper without any problems. Yay for sleep! Here are some key benefits:
Biodegradable: These diapers are made of 60% biodegradable materials in contrast to conventional brands which are often composed of up to 80% oil-based products which do not decompose easily. Conventional diapers can take hundreds of years to decompose, these decompose in a fraction of that time.
Healthy: Nature Babycare Diapers are completely chlorine-free, protecting the environment by not producing harmful dioxin pollution. Contain no latex, fragrance, or TBT (tributyltin). Hypo-allergenic.
Sustainable: The absorbent pulp is from sustainably harvested Scandinavian forests. Soy based ink on diapers and packaging.
Comfortable and Breathable: Using 60% natural materials instead of plastic, these diapers have a super soft and cloth-like feel. Plastics are kept away from babies delicate skin, instead natural, breathable and waterproof corn-based materials are used. Breathability is a plus because it minimizes diaper rash and other irritation.
Sizes and Prices:
Size 1: 8-14 lbs Price: $0.16/diaper from Amazon with Subscribe & Save
Size 2: 12-18 lbs Price: $0.17/diaper from Amazon with Subscribe & Save
Size 3: 16-28 lbs Price: $0.20/diaper from Amazon with Subscribe & Save
Size 4: 22-37 lbs Price: $0.23/diaper from Amazon with Subscribe & Save
Size 5: 27 lbs + Price: $0.27/diaper from Amazon with Subscribe & Save
One note on sizing: We started with size 1 and switched to size 2 when baby was 13 lbs., and found that size 2 wasn't really that much bigger! Starting at size 3, the waist band was a lot more stretchy and roomy. I'd recommend going directly from size 1 to size 3, skipping size 2 altogether. If your baby is large to begin with (10 lbs or more), just start with size 2, and then go to size 3 once baby reaches 13 or 14lbs. Size 2 should work fine for babies between 10-12 lbs.
Hope you give these diapers a try and love them as much as we do! Let us know how you make out or want to tell us about another favorite natural brand? Leave a comment!
I totally agree with you when it comes to using disposables during the nights and on trips! I plan to do the same as well. I somehow can't reach the your links, they say "Error 404".
ReplyDeleteHave you guys tried the diaper liners that are flushable used with osocozy+thirsties?
Makes it easier to clean poop I guess!
Hi Preeti! Thanks for noticing the links, they were broken, but are now fixed. Try again, they should work now!
ReplyDeleteWe did buy the flushable liners but haven't used them yet. They come in handy when baby starts solid food, that's when he/her poo becomes like adult poo, (more smelly!). We use the washable liner by bummis. It keeps the moisture away from baby's bottom, preventing diaper rash! Since our baby is exclusively breastfed in the first 6 months, this is all we need. Breastmilk poo is completely water soluble! In a couple weeks we may have to switch over to the flushable liners...
Yeah, I can't reach the links either
ReplyDeleteBirth injuries
Hi Anthony, I just tried out the links again. They should be working now. Give it a whirl. Thanks!