Top 10 Reasons Why Moms Need Dads

Moms are no doubt amazing at taking on the main role of child-rearing in most families. Our bodies change to accommodate the growing child, produce milk after the child is born, and survive on minimal hours of sleep. And dads just donate the sperm and are done with it? However, after millions of years of evolution, dads are still around, and for good reasons beyond just the sperm. Let's give credit where credit is due. Ladies, remember these reasons next time the toilet seat is left up and appreciate all the things dads do that are often taken for granted! Mowing and watering the lawn, weed-wacking action, trimming bushes and any renegade plant-life in the yards. Squishing or evacuating spiders, ants, mosquitos, and any unwelcome guests Taking out the trash and compost material Doing odd jobs around the house like fixing a leaky faucet, painting a wall, or installing a 3-way light switch Playing with the baby so mom can take a nap or take a shower Fixing the computer when th...